What do we call the money deposited by people in banks? (2024)


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Demand Deposit

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The correct option is B Savings
Banks allow people to deposit their money as savings. These savings earn them a small interest when withdrawn. The deposits made can be withdrawn at any time. This is called demand deposit.

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What do we call the money deposited by people in banks? (7)

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What do we call the money deposited by people in banks? (2024)


What do we call the money deposited by people in banks? ›

Deposits are money people leave in an institution with the understanding that they can get it back at any time or at an agreed-upon future time. A loan is money let out to a borrower to be generally paid back with interest. This action of taking deposits and making loans is called financial intermediation.

What is money deposited in a bank called? ›

The correct option is B Savings. Banks allow people to deposit their money as savings. These savings earn them a small interest when withdrawn. The deposits made can be withdrawn at any time. This is called demand deposit.

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Depositing money into a checking account qualifies as a transaction deposit, which means that the funds are immediately available and liquid, and you can withdraw them without delays.

What is it called when you get money from the bank? ›

What Is a Withdrawal? A withdrawal involves removing funds from a bank account, savings plan, pension, or trust.

What is money in a bank called? ›

Although banks do many things, their primary role is to take in funds—called deposits—from those with money, pool them, and lend them to those who need funds.

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Types of Deposits

On the basis of purpose they serve, bank deposit accounts may be classified as follows: Savings Bank Account. Current Deposit Account. Fixed Deposit Account.

What is the synonym of depositing? ›

to arrange something in a certain spot or position deposited their luggage at the foot of the hotel bed. put. place. situate.

What is banking terminology? ›

Routing Number - This is a number that can identify your bank based on the geographical location of the institution. Bigger banks may have several routing numbers while smaller ones have only one. APR - Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the yearly interest you earn by depositing your money your money into an account.

What is the vocabulary of deposit? ›

You are making a deposit when you put money into your bank account. In that sentence, deposit is a noun, but you could express the same action using deposit as a verb. You deposit money into your bank account. The verb deposit can be used to refer to anything that you put down or in place.

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You cannot keep money that was mistakenly deposited into your account; it must be returned. Failing to report and return the money could result in legal consequences, such as criminal charges. Contact your bank immediately when you notice the error and keep records of your interactions.

What are the different types of bank deposits? ›

A deposit is a sum of money kept in a bank account. The two types of deposits are demand deposits and time deposits. Demand deposit accounts include checking accounts, savings accounts and money market accounts. Time deposit accounts include certificate of deposit (CD) accounts and individual retirement accounts.

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At the moment of deposit, the funds become the property of the depository bank. Thus, as a depositor, you are in essence a creditor of the bank. Once the bank accepts your deposit, it agrees to refund the same amount, or any part thereof, on demand.

What are 4 types of money? ›

Different 4 types of money
  • Fiat money – the notes and coins backed by a government.
  • Commodity money – a good that has an agreed value.
  • Fiduciary money – money that takes its value from a trust or promise of payment.
  • Commercial bank money – credit and loans used in the banking system.
Jul 11, 2023

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Synonyms of money
  • cash.
  • currency.
  • coin.
  • bucks.
  • dough.
  • funds.
  • gold.
  • dollar.


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