Safe Deposit Boxes: Store This, Not That (2024)

Safeguarding your valuables can be worrisome. There are many things you have to consider, including where to put them and how much you want to pay for their safety. Buying a home safe is one option. Another is a safe deposit box, which you can rent from a local financial institution. You may also hear them referred to as safety deposit boxes.

Although deposit boxes are a reliable way to keep valuables safe, you shouldn't keep everything in there. Things that you will need to access quickly and easily should be kept at home. Read on for tips on what you should and should not store in your safe deposit box.

Key Takeaways

  • Safety deposit boxes are designed to withstand natural disasters such as fires, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes.
  • Never store the only copy of an important document in a safe deposit box.
  • Safe deposit boxes are especially useful for people who aren’t comfortable with digital storage.
  • Although it's wise to have a co-lessor for your box, think carefully about assigning the best person.

How Safe Deposit Boxes Work

A safe deposit box is an individually secured container—usuallya metal box—housed in the vault of a federally insured bank or credit union. They're one of a number of services beyond banking your institution may offer. You can rent a safe deposit box to keep your valuables, important documents, and sentimental keepsakes secure.

When you rent one, the bank gives you a key to use. You'll want to hold on to this key in a safe place because if you lose it, the bank will have to charge you to install a new lock. This key is used with a guard key held by the bank—if your bank uses a keyless system, though, you’ll scan your finger or hand instead. Either way, you’ll have to provide identification every time you visit the bank. You'll also have to sign in every time you want to access your box.

You can rent a box in your name only, or you can add other people to the lease. If you opt for co-lessors, they will have equal access and rights to the contents of the box, so think carefully about whom you're thinking of adding. For example, people who have addiction, financial, marriage, or judgment issues may not be ideal candidates—even if they’re family. Still, it’s usually a good idea to name someone else to the account, so they can access the box when and if you can’t.

Benefits of a Safe Deposit Box: Security for a Small Cost

Safe deposit boxes are a great option for people for a number of reasons. For starters, they're undoubtedly more secure than most people’s homes. So whatever valuables you own, whether that's gold coins, family jewelry, or stock certificates, banks are much harder to break into and located in secure areas with alarms, video cameras, and top-notch locks. The vaults that hold safety deposit boxes are also reinforced to withstand fire, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters.

What does all this security cost? When you rent a safe deposit box, you can expect to pay anywhere from $40 to $300 each year and up. The price depends on several factors including the size of the box you rent and the bank that holds your box.

But remember, just because you have a box doesn’t mean you should put all your valuables in it. Here are tips to help you decide what to keep in—and keep out of—a safe deposit box.

What to Store in a Safe Deposit Box

Safe deposit boxes are a good place to keep hard-to-replace documents such as contracts and business papers, military discharge papers, and physical stock and bond certificates, along with small collectibles and family heirlooms. Keep in mind that the largest safe deposit boxes are usually just 10 inches by 10 inches and two feet deep. This leaves plenty of room for irreplaceable photos and Grandma’s wedding ring, but not your antique doll collection.

Good things to store in your safe deposit box are important items you won’t need frequent access to, including:

  • Personal papers, such as original birth certificates, adoption papers, marriage licenses, and citizenship papers
  • Copies—but not the only copies—of wills and powers of attorney
  • Military records and discharge papers (e.g., DD 214s)
  • School transcripts and diplomas
  • Sensitive documents you wouldn’t want roommates, children, relatives, and visitors to find
  • The deed to your house, along with any car titles
  • Paper stock and bond certificates (though most are issued electronically these days), including U.S. savings bonds
  • An inventory of your home’s contents, in case you need to file a claim with your homeowner’s insurance policy
  • Important business papers, records, and contracts
  • Hard drives and flash drives with backups and important data
  • Financially or sentimentally valuable jewelry, collectibles, and family keepsakes
  • Other documents or small items that would be difficult or impossible to replace

Important documents can also be stored digitally instead of in a safe deposit box. It is a good idea to use cloud storage for these so that you don't lose them if your computer or hard drive is damaged.

Even though safe deposit boxes are designed to withstand natural disasters, it’s a good idea to put anything that could be damaged by water into a waterproof container such as a zippered plastic bag. This adds another layer of protection and can also help you keep your safe deposit box more organized. And before stashing those important papers and photos, make copies to store electronically on your computer or in the cloud. Just be sure your family knows how to access them.

Safe Deposit Boxes: Store This, Not That (1)

Items You Shouldn't Keep In a Safety Deposit Box

You can access your safety deposit box during banking hours, which means you won't be able to get into it on holidays and, in some cases, on weekends. Store items you know you won't need in an emergency. Passports, medical directives, the only copies of wills and powers of attorney, and other documents that you may suddenly need are better kept in a secure spot at home, such as a fireproof home safe that’s bolted to the floor or wall.

Safe deposit boxes can’t be accessed 24/7, so don’t put anything in them that you might need in a hurry.

You’re better off keeping the following items out of your safe deposit box:


Even if you’re not a frequent international traveler, you never know when you’ll need your passport for business, a spontaneous trip, or to help a relative or friend overseas.

Sole Copies of Important Documents

The only copies of living wills, advanced medical directives, and durable powers of attorney are of little value if they are hidden away in a safe deposit box that no one can access. Tell your loved ones about the arrangements you’ve made and where they can find the documents.

Your will, for example, is an important document that you should never store the sole copy of in a safe deposit box. This is especially true if you haven’t designated a cosigner to your box. If you pass away or become incapacitated, it can be difficult for your loved ones to access your safe deposit box, and thus the only copy of your will.

It’s better to keep wills, living wills, medical directives, and powers of attorney in a secure place at home (such as that fireproof home safe) and tell a trusted relative or friend where they are and how to access them. Remember to give your medical proxy and the person who has your power of attorney copies of relevant documents.

Uninsured Valuables

Even though items in a safe deposit box are secure, you should make sure they’re covered by your homeowner’s insurance policy or a special rider, just in case—there are even companies that specialize in insuring safe deposit box contents.

Keep in mind that the money you have on deposit in a federally insured bank or credit union is protected, but items in a safe deposit box are not. Tell your insurance company that the items will be kept in a safe deposit box. You might get away with a lower premium, as the items will be more secure than they would be in your home.


The money you deposit in a federally insured bank or credit union is protected up to $250,000 per depositor per bank, but the cash in your safe deposit box is not. You’re much better off keeping your money in a savings, money market, or other type of bank account where it will be insured. You may also be able to earn a little interest, something that won’t happen if your cash is in a box.

Anything Illegal

Firearms may or may not be permitted, so ask your bank for clarification if it’s relevant. Explosives, hazardous materials, and illicit drugs are a no-no, needless to say.

Are Things In a Safe Deposit Box Insured?

Since it's considered storage and not an account, the bank doesn't insure anything in the box, but you can protect the things you store with private insurance. Cash that's not kept in a bank account is not insured by the FDIC.

Does the IRS Know About Safe Deposit Boxes?

The IRS can't arbitrarily or randomly access your safe deposit box. However, if the IRS serves a Notice of Levy or Seizure, the bank will be required to freeze your box, which prevents you from taking anything out of it. You will then be asked to open the box in the presence of an IRS representative.

Do Banks Know What You Keep in Your Safe Deposit Box?

The safe deposit box is a storage space you rent from the bank. Its contents are kept private, and the bank doesn't know what you put in there.

The Bottom Line

Safe deposit boxes are storage spaces that you can rent at a bank to protect important documents and valuable items that you don't want to store at home. Items in safe deport boxes are not insured by the bank, so anything you place there should be privately insured if it is valuable. Cash should never be placed in a safe deposit box because it will not be FDIC-protected. You should also make sure that any documents you store there have copies that are kept elsewhere.

Safe Deposit Boxes: Store This, Not That (2024)


Why are banks discontinuing safety deposit boxes? ›

The economics of safe deposit boxes started to break, at least for the major banks, as the cost of commercial real estate ballooned. The number of bank branches peaked around the time of the 2008 recession, and have plummeted ever since.

Why are you not supposed to keep money in a safe deposit box? ›

A safe deposit box is not a deposit account. It is storage space provided by the bank, so the contents, including cash, checks or other valuables, are not insured by FDIC deposit insurance if damaged or stolen. Also, financial institutions generally do not insure the contents of safe deposit boxes.

What cannot be stored in a safe deposit box? ›

Living wills, advance medical directives, and durable powers of attorney are a poor choice for a safe deposit box if they are the only copies. Cash is also a bad choice, since you can earn interest by putting it in a savings account.

What is a disadvantage of using a safe deposit box? ›

Cons. Limited access: You can only access your safe deposit box during the institution's business hours. Fees: There's a yearly fee associated with maintaining a box. Other options, such as home safes, have only a one-time cost.

Does the IRS know about safe deposit boxes? ›

Can the IRS get into my box? IRS representatives cannot arbitrarily gain access to your box. However, they can serve a Notice of Levy or Seizure requiring us to freeze your box. The IRS requests that you open the box in the presence of their representatives.

What do people use instead of safe deposit boxes? ›

Exploring alternative options such as home safes, virtual safes, and private vault facilities can provide you with the security and convenience you desire. Additionally, considering insurance options can offer added financial protection.

What happens to safe deposit boxes when a bank collapses? ›

If your bank fails, you likely will be able to retrieve the contents of your safe deposit box. If another bank acquires your bank's branches, you can contact that bank to ask about accessing your safe deposit box. If the failed bank isn't bought by another bank, the FDIC will contact you about your safe deposit box.

Is a fireproof safe better than a safety deposit box? ›

It's much more optimal to store cash inside of a bank account. Burglars won't be able to access it, and you can withdraw it from an ATM whenever you need it. Furthermore, rather than keeping your important physical documents in a safety deposit box, it's better to store them in your home in a fireproof safe.

Do banks know what you put in a safety deposit box? ›

The safe deposit box is a storage space you rent from the bank. Its contents are kept private, and the bank doesn't know what you put in there.

How much cash can you keep at home legally in the US? ›

The government has no regulations on the amount of money you can legally keep in your house or even the amount of money you can legally own overall. Just, the problem with keeping so much money in one place (likely in the form of cash) — it's very vulnerable to being lost.

Is it smart to put cash in a safety deposit box? ›

It's best not to hide cash in a safe deposit box. It won't be insured, and you won't gain interest on your money if it's in a box. Some banks don't even allow cash to be stored inside a safe deposit box.

Where is the best place to store cash? ›

Places to Keep Your Short-Term Cash

CDs, high-yield savings accounts, and money market funds are the best places to keep your cash when it comes to interest rates. Treasury bills currently offer attractive yields at the lowest risk.

Can you keep gold coins in a safe deposit box? ›

More Info. Safe deposit boxes at the bank are often considered the best way to store gold bullion bars or coins. They offer more security than home storage, they're cheap to rent, and you can store just about anything in them without having to declare the contents.

Should you put jewelry in a safe deposit box? ›

Safe deposit boxes are the best places to keep items that are valuable such as jewelry, stamp and coin collections, and negotiable instruments like stock certificates and bonds. They are also good places to keep items that are not replaceable or that have sentimental value.

Which bank has the cheapest safe deposit box? ›

Which Bank Has the Cheapest Safety Deposit Box?
BankCheapest BoxSize of Box
Local Government Federal Credit Union$18 per year3″ x 5″
People First Federal Credit Union$30 per year2″ x 5″
Truist$45 per year3″ x 5″
Lake City Bank$60 per year3″ x 10″
7 more rows

What happens to the contents of a safe deposit box? ›

If the property remains unclaimed and is classified as abandoned, the bank may be required to transfer the contents of the safe deposit box to the state treasurer or unclaimed-property office in a process called escheat.

Why are safe deposit boxes not as popular as they used to be? ›

Banks with massive vaults and boxes protected by a two key security system offered wealthy bank customers protections. The trouble with safe deposit boxes began when bank executives realized that the massive vaults weren't resulting in any additional income—in fact they barely covered their own operating costs.

What are the alternatives to bank safe deposit boxes? ›

What Can I Use Instead Of A Safety Deposit Box? You can store physical items inside of a home fireproof safe. But, for documents, passwords, and important information, you can use a digital storage platform like Trustworthy.

What happens to safety deposit boxes when a bank fails? ›

What if the bank has failed? If the bank recently failed, the FDIC or the bank that assumed the failed bank's business may have the account or safe deposit box contents. After a period of time, the FDIC or the bank must transfer unclaimed property to the state.

Which of the following should not be kept in a safe deposit box? ›

Illegal Substances or Uninsured Valuables: You must comply with state and federal laws when it comes to storing items in a safe deposit box. You'll also want to leave out any items that are uninsured or perishable in nature.

Where can I hide my safe deposit box? ›

Ideal Locations to Place Your Safe in a Plain Sight
  • In closet. The closet is one of the best places to hide your safe. ...
  • In a wall. Wall-mounted safes are a classic because they are easy to place in cavities. ...
  • Behind artwork. ...
  • Under flooring. ...
  • Under a laundry hamper. ...
  • Behind a sliding door. ...
  • Under the mattress. ...
  • In the air vent.
Sep 26, 2023

Is a home safe better than a safety deposit box? ›


Fireproof home safes are even more expensive than their basic counterparts are—and there are significant limits to how much actual protection they offer. For example, some fire resistant residential safes still allow contents to reach 350 degrees.

What items are most likely to be stored in a safe deposit box? ›

Customers often rent a safe deposit box from the bank to store valuables for a fee. Typically, these include personal documents, family heirlooms, stamp or coin collections, and other irreplaceable or hard-to-find items.

Why is Chase bank no longer renting safe deposit boxes? ›

Chase was losing money on this service in a drastic fashion yet still charging clients an arm and a leg for the privilege. It was a no-win situation, so the difficult decision was made to discontinue safe deposit boxes entirely.

Why did FBI seize safety deposit boxes? ›

The FBI sought the safe deposit boxes as part of its investigation into US Private Vaults, which it suspected of money laundering.

Do people still use safe deposit boxes? ›

Safe deposit boxes are becoming rare, with some major banks – including Chase and Capital One – no longer offering them to new customers. Secure storage is costly to build and maintain, but some banks, including Wells Fargo and Bank of America, still have safe deposit boxes available. Read: Best CD Rates.

Do banks know contents of safety deposit boxes? ›

The safe deposit box is a storage space you rent from the bank. Its contents are kept private, and the bank doesn't know what you put in there.


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