My spurs go Jingle Jangle Jingle - Chapter 9 - Crystal_Grenadier - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

Boston commons

Izuku, Nick and Nate were currently pinned down behind a car by the road that Nick usually walks by. Just bad luck all around as All 3 were stealthy enough to avoid the Raider patrols. However, life being extra on the Raggity Anne decided to have a roaming gang of gen 2 and 3 super mutants patrol for more "green stuff" and a suicider ran forward blowing itself up and killing a small guard detail while also exploding a nearbycar making all raiders in the area wake up and begin a rainstorm of lead on the road.

The super mutants and raiders are still shooting at each other as a few raiders take pot shots at The trio. Izuku just sighs and shakes his head hoping Rumi is having a better time than he is.

Sanctuary Hills

Rumi is silently patrolling the area as she sees a eoman and a pack brahim appear on the Old North Bridge that Codsworth had repaired and maintained over the last 200 or so years. Rumi walking forward smiles and greets the merchant.

"Hey there welcome to sanctuary hills! Our trading hall is just up the road. Follow it till you see a yellow half wall leading to a covered flat Foundation. Theirs an empty stall waiting to be filled and used by a caravan trader." Rumi says with an all to sweet smile and hidden objective is written all over her emotions and tone. Atleast it was obvious to all the heros. They knew this was not the real Rumi but her undercover innocent self no one else could pick up on it but them and they knew this was important to not question.

"Names trash can Carla. Thanks for the welcome and the info. I'll set up immediately. I'm a general goods merchant. Need anything in particular?" Carla asks as she takes a hit from her cigarette.

"Matter of fact yeah. As you can see we have a lot of teenagers. Got any blast radius board games we can buy to keep them Busy?" Rumi asks as Carla laughs a bit and nods.

"I got 6 so it's perfect. That'll be 18 caps please." Carla says as rumi hands her the caps and takes a peak at some of her other gear before chuckling. She makes sure to pick up and buy one special item she saw that immediately caught her eyes that Carla had in her stock.

Man today was a lucky day. Carla already got them on the right track home with exactly what she needed right off the bat. In response Rumi and Inko both helped Carla unpack the pack Brahmins load into the designated empty stall for the caravans and paid for the games. These blast radius games were full of the californium 251 for the Transportal Ponder and 6 games was just perfect for it ss it gsve them a little over just 3 grams which is shy 5 grams for Izuku to use. Een regular nuclear materials can be useful as Izuku can use it to synthesize the Californium. She hopes Izuku is getting just as Lucky as she is right now.

Boston Commons outside Goodneihbor.

Izuku merely shakes his head at the disbelief his two companions have after he had ordered a small retreat to regroup and retry against the raiders. Having crows nests and high ground was not a good combo to fight against. Although his companions who are currently staring dumbly at him is annoying. It's as if they've never seen someone impale a pump action shotgun through a raiders gut to use them as a living bipod while he fired the gun and while the gun was stuck inside them, use them as pump action lever by shoving the gun forward and back to chsmber the rounds. It's not his fault the raider was being a whiney little bitch about izuku having melted half his face with a plasma shot and didn't defend from Izukus charging attack.

"So are we gonna talk about." Nate begins only to have Nick stop him by grabbing his hand and shaking his head rapidly.

"No we're not, besides Nick said This is the city of Goodneighbor. The raiders back on the main street should have already fallen asleep again since adrenaline rush moments like that fade fast and they'll pass out soon. It'll let you both get to Diamond city to discuss things. I'm hitting what Nick said was called the third rail. While i do that, I'll also do a bit of info gathering. After i rejoin you all in Diamond City THEN we'll talk about me ripping the raiders spinal columb and skull out of his body and using it as a blunt club on the gen 2 muties. We have been under fire CONSTANTLY since we came into the city proper and i need a f*cking drink. Nick I'm trusting my friend Nates safety with you. Don't dissapoint me or Fisto wont be the only sex bot i create." Izuku says as he makes sure his Desert Ranger armor is on right and he walks into goodneighbor as Nate turns to Nick.

"Nick you and everyone else seem to treat Izuku like he's some kind of monster or divine entity descended from heaven destined to be worshipped. What the f*ck is with that?" Nate asks as he and Nick begin walking towards Diamond city. Nick shaking his head before he begins leading Nate back the way they came.

"Nate let me tell you a little bit about your friend there. I have NEVER met that man before tonight but even i have heard tales of him from the west coast. Travellers and factions pushed out of the mojave share details. Ran into a few people while i was working on solving other cases over the last few decades. See it all started when he got shot in the head." Nick begins as he and nate head back towards Diamond City.


"Whoa there, where do you think you're going?" The random thug asks as Izuku merely sees the look on his face and knows exactly what is going on.

"You need to pay a tax on entering the city. Think of it as insurance. wouldn't want anything bad happening to you now would we?" The man says as he slides a finger over his revolver. Izuku merely reaches behind himself making it look like he's about to grab his wallet. Instead Izuku pulls out a cosmic knife spear and slices the thugs arms and legs off with it while also slucing his gut open in one swing after another before impaling the thug with the spear through the opening he just made lifting the thug into the air and letting his agonized screams draw all the attention of the town as he slowly slides down the spear. Izuku slams the spear in the ground and leaves the thug gagging on blood as the knife pops out his mouth through his throat as Izuku rams his hands inside his still living body's now intestineless cavity and grabbing hold of his ribs and pulling down popping the thugs head off the body as the spine left the now broken ribs which now lay at the spears base having slid away from the meat. Izuku throws his hands down to the ground a few times leaving his once blood soaked hands now clean.

"Holy sh*t dude! I like you already. Walk into town and first thing you do is make a show of dominance to every raider thug in this place not to f*ck with you! Goodneighbors of the people for the people. You feel me? Names Handco*ck." Hanco*ck says as Izuku smiles.

"Yeah, i feel you. Courier 6, at your service." Izuku says as all commotion in the street stops as everyone heard that man speak the forbidden name.

"W-wait...what? Dude you're f*cking real? No f*cking way! you cant be..." Hanco*ck says as Izuku pulls out his Mojave express ID card while lifting his couriers Satchel as Hanco*ck and others in the city tremble before looking at Izuku.

"Jesus christ...a f*cking living legend is in my town. Listen what ever you need here just let me know! it's on the damn house!" Hanco*ck says as he hands Izuku the ID back. Izuku merely hands Hanco*ck one of the smaller packages he has inside his satchel because he knows this place will be a good start point.

"I do have one thing i want. This package here? It's a starter fund and instructional kit. It will make it easy to have someone start a Mojave Express branch out here in this little slice of heaven. Besides, they wont be going it alone since I'm sticking around the commonwealth awhile I'll also help deliver packages so the branch here survives. Now more important than that, Wheres the third rail i need a f*cking drink." Izuku says as Hanco*ck gives him directions and Izuku leaves to the third rail.

The Third Rail.

Izuku sighs as he walks into the third rail meeting the ghoul at the door. Man was gruff but definitely dangerous. A mutual respect born just from a simple nod of acknowledgement and Izuku enters the third rail and sees a rather lovely piano before walking up to the bar.

"What can i get yah chap?" The robotic barkeep asks as Izuku smiles and thinks a bit.

"Make me an immortal, Absynth, nuka victory, peppermint schnapps and two pumps seltzer water." Izuku says as the barkeep studies him before moving off to the mixers as a woman sits next to him.

"It's been a long time hasn't it Courier 6. How you doing?" The woman asks as Izuku smiles and without missing a beat brings his pistol "A light shining in darkness" to rest under the womans chin. His smirk never leaving as The womans soft mirthful laugh is heard. She quickly slides her combat knife away from Izuku's kidney and izuku presses the gun to her chin a bit more teasingly as he then puts it away.

"That it has Magnolia. Come a long way from the atomic wrangler. The garrets miss their star singer. Im not here to bring you back so dont worry. I paid your debt....the least i could do for the misunderstanding back then." Izuku says as Magnolia is taken back at that but smiles at Izuku.

"Paid my debt? Littleman married or not, bring your guardian here and me and you two are having a night you'll never forget. So what brings you out here to the commonwealth?" Magnolia asks as Whitechapel charlie sets down two immortals.

"Work and personal business." Izuku says as Magnolia smiles and begins drinking.

"Mind sharing some details a strangers ear is sometimes the best ear." Magnolia says as Izuku smiles.

"You are anything BUT a stranger mags...I need information. Not the usual kind either. I need info on a plant. special... Grows only in very specific places under very specific conditions. I need to know if anyone has heard a plant Hum. As in a low chime sound that hums like a heartbeat." Izuku says as Magnolia thinks abit as Izuku slides off his helmet revealing his locks of green hair and deep green eyes to magnolia the tineless synth actually seeing Izuku regressed in years as she once again gets lost in the vast deep emerald orbs he sports. Magnolias face once again beaming with a cheerful smile and a light blush. Magnolia reaches a hand over and plants a hand on his arm.

"I'll keep my ear to the ground sweety. Talk to the real brainy looking crowd who comes by sometimes from Diamond City and other places. Come back in a few days and ill let you know what i got. So how long you here for?" Magnolia says as izuku takes a swig of his drink.

"Awhile...hopefully not too long but long enough to start a new legend." Izuku says as magnolias eyes widen at that. Izuku going to make another legend? The drink hes drinking was named after him after all. Not everyday a hundred witnesses see you fight a 30 foot tall fire gecko tribesman dubbed Gojira the eternal and win. Magnolia told white chappel charlie when she was first reassigned to expect someone to order that specific drink in that specific way and when they do signal her. It meant a friend was catching up.

"A new Legend there courier? Really? Haven't you got enough of those under your belt? Anyway even if you are here longer than planned.... You're a survivor. I bet the whole world could stand in your way and you'd just walk right through them. Hows Rumi doing sweety?" Magnolia asks as Izuku smiles softly.

"The legend isnt mine Mags. It's a friend of mine who im helping start the legend for. As for Rumi. We made it official Magnolia. Rings, documents, permissions....we made it back home Mags...i need the plant to do it again. You can come with us too. No more running, no more hiding. No more of that invisible chain around your neck. Just you, your first love and the stage you choose to grace." Izuku says as magnolia's eyes widen in excitement and surprise. Being a synth spy she never thought she could ever feel truly safe from them. The institute were "kind" enough to not to erase her memories when her 'extended' retrieval mission had ended. To be and able to follow her dreams? Oh yeah, wife or not this young man was gracing her bed one more time and she was not going to take no for an answer.

"Izuku....i, I don't know what to say. Of course! I just need a date and time sugar." Magnolia says as Izuku smiles.

"Informations in the piece mags...It was good to see you again. This next song is for you. Mags" izuku says finishing his drink and putting on his Helmet once more as Izuku walks over to the piano and sees it has a blank roller in it. Auto player piano. Malfunctioning obviously or it'd sound better. Izuku takes 5 minutes to fix the thing and hits the record button.

(Que song: Running up that hill in A-Minor by Myuuji)

Izuku smiling as he begins to have his fingers glide along the keys of the piano. The song silencing the third rail as Izuku had just started the song. Every key hit is as if music itself was flowing through Izuku and playing itself to be heard. His dexterous and agile fingers striking keys as the roller in the machine is recording his efforts. The song he's playing on the piano has everyones attention besides one who is adamantly watching izuku play. Her focus is on the code of information. The way he moves, the way he plays, the way he breaths and moves his arms as the music echo's in the silent subway bar. The piece she is looking for she soon finds and smiles for knowing where to head from the context clues. Sent to her by Izuku. As izuku finishes the song he walks over to white chappel charlie and smiles.

"Thanks for the drink Charlie, whats the tab?" Izuku asks as the robot floats there.

"You kidding kid? After that performance? That music playing in my bar with my singer on vocals? Ill make a mint! It's on the house. And here my finest cooking brandy. A henry the 8th, No charge. Just remember to stop by on occasion and get a drink with ol uncle Charlie would yah?" The usually sarcastic bot says rather fondly as Izuku nods taking the Brandy and walking out with Nate and Nick.

"Kid, that was gorgeous. Totally not something i expected from you. Where'd you learn it?" A patron of the third rail asks having had the song hit deep to his soul. The shy ghoul having got the courage to ask as Izuku smiles under his helmet.

"Nowhere and everywhere my friend. Its a piece of hope and memories long since forgotten out of habbit coming back. It has no beginning and no end. It just is. I know it cause i learned it and i learned it cause i know it. Dont bother reading into it. It's just a song after all." Izuku says as he leaves the ghoul to contemplate his next move. Izuku smiles as he cracks his neck and makes to leave Goodneighbor and quickly make his way to Diamond City. No more hiccups thankfully as izuku sees a few people outfront of the entrance to the legendary Yankee Stadium now turned city. Izuku stays back aways to not be seen as he finally hears a yell.

"PIPER? Who let you back in here? Was it sullivan? I outta havethat printer scrapped for parts." Izuku sighs and shakes his head knowing he has to intervene before walking into view. The Guards see the armor and immediately get on alert raising guns and Pipers eyes widen at who she sees walking towards Diamond city.

" No way!" Piper says as she looks at the literal wasteland Boogeyman walking as his spurs wuite literally go Jingle Jangle jingle. Izuku looks at all the guns pointed at him and sees the stunned look from the others. Izuku simply slides his Rangers Sequoia from it's holster and holds it up.

"Are we gonna have a problem here?" Izuku asks as the guards shiver at the tone while Piper gets excited and Mcdunnuh is catatonic. The warning from courier 6 clear as day. All Guards keeping thier guns trained on Izuku begin to tremble as they all wonder what to do.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Listen everyone be calm and put the guns down. Remember the rules. No gun fights less it's to defend the city. Now you! Promise not to cause trouble?" A guard asks as Izuku smiles putting his own gun away.

"Sure kid, i can play ball. It's nice to know someone here in the armpit of boston has nuts large enough to talk to me. Also i was never planning to cause any. Just came here looking to helpa friend of mine." Izuku says as Mayor Mcdunnuh is literally shivering in his boots.

"W-What can Diamond city do for you uh Mr.?" Mayor Mcdunnuh asks.

"My friends infant son was kidnapped. Stolen from his mothers arms as she was shot point blank in the head for fighting back while he was indisposed. I Need information. Names and Locations of possible slave rings. They work in "forced adoption" now and then so it seems a solid lead. I promised my friend i'd help find his kid. It's a job for me. And i take my job very seriously." Izuku says as he looks at piper who turns to McDunnuh.

"Kidnapped kid, so what's it gonna be McDunnuh you gonna help him or not?" Piper says as Izuku merely breaks the argument up before it can begin a new.

"So, whats the hold up? Am i allowed in or not?" Izuku says as Danny nods his head while McDunnuh speaks happily.

"Sure, markets the first spot you'll notice when entering. Enjoy you're stay in Diamond CIty, Jewel of the commonwealth. Come, make a home, start a family." McDunnuh says before leaving into the city.

"Yeah walk away, that's all your good for McDunnuh. So....wasteland boogeyman strolls up on the east coast helping a friend find his son. That sounds like just the thing my readers would love." Piper says as she tries and fails to flirt her way to an interview.

"Not interested, as i said, i gotta job to do. Any slueths in the city? Need to meet one." Izuku says as Danny speaks up.

"Try Valentines. Just behind the market stalls he's a slueth im sure he'd help you out." Danny says as Izuku smiles a bit. Nodding st Danny izuku looks through his gear and pulls out a rucksack that seems slightly heavy. Izuku hands it to danny as thanks and smiles.

"Keep it, consider it a gift for having the sheer weight of your nuts to weight down your fear." Izuku says as Danny opens the sack and he reaches inside pulling out a damiliar designed helmet. LAPD RIOT splayed on it in small parts. The whole outfit being a somewhat different version of Courier 6's outfit. This one is a deep black and singed by something that Danny can't think of. He rushes away to put the outfit on.

Izuku makes his way quickly to valentines ignoring the hustle and bussle of the city as he makes sure no one besides a few guards see him. As he walks towards Valentines entrance he see's nick and nate walk out.

"Oh, courier...its good to see you. Listen, we're heading to a lead. Wanna join us?" Izuku hears Nick speak as Nate and Nick both walks with Izuku to the location.

"So i didnt want ellie to hear this, but Kellogs bad news. Done plenty of horrible things but he Doesn't have any enemies. Cause they're all dead except you Nate." Nick says as they all walk to the front door. Izuku seeing them both struggling smiles and walks over and quickly opens the door unlocking it with relative ease as he turns to them.

"I'll wait out here. You two search his place and if anyone comes up i'll deal with it." Izuku says as he leans against the wall besides the door as Nick and Nate enter Kellogs old home. Izuku sighd as he sees Piper coming uo to him as he sighs. News paper journos were the same in every universe he supposed. Pushy and annoying till you told them yes.

"Courier...i really want to ask you a few things for my readers please. We have so many questions." Piper asks and looks towards the door of Kellogs house and doesnt want this woman to know Nate is his friend.

"Fine but not here you pushy journo bitch. I'll answer your questions in your studio. Now let me take a break. I need to think on things Nick told me and plan my attack carefully." Izuku says as Piper nods a bit knowing to bot annoy the boogeyman. She runs off and races to her home to prep her press snd notepad as Izuku hears the click of a door opening inside the building soon enough Dog meat comes walking up as Izuku begins scratcjing his head and petting him.

Soon enough Nate and Nick walk out and Nate looks to Nick and Izuku. Nate sighs.

"Izuku, me and Nick may have a lead on Kellog but Nick has a point in not everyone running around the common wealth. Is it okay if i take Nick with me? I need to try this." Nate says as izuku nods to him.

"Nate this is your kid. You're running the show. I got your back no matter what. But i need to head to Fort Hagen. I know of a small Enclave Base near there that has some materials i need. I'll meet you there when you finish your business with this Kellog person. But before that." Izuku says as he hands Nate the 'All American' once more.

"Keep it. Consider it a gift. I got things to do my friend. Remember. I'm here for when you need me. But i have a job to do." IZuku says heading over towards the entrance of DIamond City. He'll stop by pipers after delivering the package to quincy.

outskirts near quincy

Izuku is walking by a small pile of junk before hearing something.

clank clank clank"Hello? Is someone out there? I hear you walking by. Please help me." a small voice says as Izuku stops and walks to the sound.

"you trapped in that iron coffin kid? need help?" izuku asks and gets a shocked gasp.

"Yes please help me I've been trapped in here for so long. When the bombs fell i just ran into this fridge and hid. I heard so many things. Then it went silent but the door latch is broken in here i can't open the door. i think the latch is rusted so you have to shoot it off." the voice says as Izuku shakes his head and walks over grabbing the door to the fridge and Izuku rips the door off without a sweat and tosses it across the street.

"whoa it's so bright out here. what the.... everythings all destroyed. what happened." the ghoul child asks as Izuku sighs and gives him a very short explanation on the great war, the damage that has happened and other such things. the ghoul kid looking at him and then the floor.

"well atleast i don't have to go to school anymore. names billy by the way... do you think you could help me? i live near Quincy so its not far i just wanna see my house." billy says as Izuku nods to him.

"sure little guy, stick with me i'll keep you safe." izuku says as billy's eyes widen immensely and he sticks close to Izuku. billy begins talking about how he would play around here where he and his friends hung out and even things he remembers. Izuku listening to him woth Rapt attention and asking engagong questions to make the time pass by quickly. even stopping once or twice to play a game or two with billy. Izuku smiling a little bit at the fact Billy is so cheerful even after having been stuck in a fridge for so long. As izuku and Billy walk around a corner as someone walks up.

"Hey wait man i need to talk to you. thats a fine ghoul you got there. Names bullet. I'm in the market for a ghoul. I'll give you 300 caps for him." Bullet says as Izuku can't believe the audacity of this man.

"Bullet, I'm gonna pretend i didn't hear you say that. Turn around or I force feed you your name." Izuku says as he pulls out Dinnerbell and co*cks the shotgun with Malicious intent.

"Alright, Alright I'll leave. you'll regret your decision." Bullet says as Izuku narrows his eyes beneath his mask and contonues escorting Billy home as he sees his house and runs forward calling out.

"MOM DAD! I'M FINALLY HOME!" billy says as Izuku walks into house seeing both the mother and father are ghouls as Billy gets a small explination on why he and they look like they do. Izuku is about to leave when he hears something.

"Alright you in the house. Come out now and give us the Ghouls. You got no beef in this so you ain't on our list. Leave now or you'll die." izuku hears Bullet saying as Izuku gives a soft chuckle.

"Mr. peabody stay inside. I'll handle this. Keep your sons head down. when i return i'll need some information on an adress." Izuku says as he takes a few steps out of the house. Izuku loads his shotgun Dinnerbell and smiles as he walks off towards the Gunners who have all gathered in a pretty easy formation. inside the house The peabodies all hear gunshots, screaming, a car exploding and a gut wrenching cry of agony before a very loud squelch is heard followed by silence.

After a minute of nothing happening Izuku walks into the house wiping his now blood and bone covered boots on the welcome mat. The mangled face of Bullet coming off his boot and lying on the mat like a deflated ball. Izuku just shrugs looking at mr. Peabody before walking to him.

"They wont be coming back. Now Mr.Peabody, can you direct me to this adress?" Izuku asks as The ghoul thankful for Izuku saving him and his family tells him. izuku smiles and begins walking once more. As he approaches Quincy and the gate someone Immediately opens up wearing a full set of T51b as they are seen visibly shaking.

"Stop, why are you here? we ain't got no beef with you." The gunner commander says as Izuku scoffs.

"That's where your wrong. your underling Bullet made sure of that." izuku says as the commander nearly sh*ts herself as she screams.

"I'll kill that f*cking moron!" the gunner commander turns to look at izuku who repsonds.

"Too late, he and his associates are already feeding the crows. However i have delivery to make. Let me simply drop it off and i leave. I never leave a job unfinished so with or THROUGH you. That package is getting delivered. Make your choice." Izuku says as he co*cks his shotgun to add to the intimidation factor. The gunner commander cursing her f*cking luck. Why did the visitor have to be the f*cking boogeyman of the western front.

"f*ck, Fine make the delivery just please dont kill us. OPEN THE f*ckING GATES AND IF ANY OF YOU RETARDS OPEN FIRE ON HIM ILL KILL YOU MYSELF!!!!" The gunner commander says as izuku walks into Quincy and finding the high rise apartments he slides the package into the mail slot for the correct door before sighing happily. Job complete Izuku walks out into the open and sees the commander of the gunners ready to escort him out of the city. Izuku merely smirks at this and before she can speak a few bullets rings out blowing off the heads of her nearby underlings as Izuku Job complete is able to do this next thing personally and he begins a massive assault on the city of quincy to kill all the gunners. Izuku Hopes this will stleast help preston and the others feel better. If not, hey atleast he's done his good deed for the day.

My spurs go Jingle Jangle Jingle - Chapter 9 - Crystal_Grenadier - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.