How Much Do I Need to Save to Retire? (2024)

A key part of retirement planning is to answer the question: How much do I need to save to retire? The answer varies by individual, and it depends largely on your income now and the lifestyle you want and can afford in retirement.

Knowing how much you need to save based on how old you are now is just the first step, but it starts you on the path to help you reach your retirement goals. There are a few simple formulas that you can use to come up with the numbers.

Key Takeaways

  • How much you need to save for retirement depends on your current income and the lifestyle you want when you retire.
  • Knowing how much you need to save “by age” can help you stay on track and reach your retirement goals.
  • Coming up with specific amounts involves using some easy formulas.

How Much Do I Need to Save to Retire?

Many retirement experts recommend strategies such as saving 10 times your pre-retirement salary and planning on living on 80% of your pre-retirement annual income.

That means if you make $100,000 annually at retirement, you need at least $80,000 per year to have a comfortable lifestyle after leaving the workforce.

This amount can be adjusted up or down depending on additional sources of income, such as Social Security, pensions, and part-time employment, as well as factors like your health and desired lifestyle.

Order your copy of the print edition of Investopedia's Retirement Guide for more assistance in building the best plan for your retirement.

The 4% Rule

To determine just how much you will need to save to generate the income that you need, one easy-to-use formula is to divide your desired annual retirement income by 4%, which is known as the 4% rule.

For an income of $80,000, you would need a retirement nest egg of about $2 million ($80,000 /0.04). This strategy assumes a 5% return on investments, after taxes and inflation, no additional retirement income, such as Social Security,and a lifestyle similar to the one you would be living at the time you retire.

In general, the 4% rule assumes that you will live for 30 years in retirement. Retired adults who live longer need their portfolios to last longer, in part because medical costs and other expenses can increase as you age.

Retirement Savings by Age

Knowing how much you should save toward retirement at each stage of your life helps you answer that all-important question: “How much do I need to retire?” Here are a few useful formulas that can help you set age-based savings goals on the road to retirement.

Percentage of Your Salary

To figure out how much you need to accumulate at various stages of your life, it can be useful to think in terms of saving a percentage of your salary.

Fidelity Investments suggests saving 15% of your gross salary starting in your 20s and continuing throughout the course of your working life. This should include savings across various retirement accounts as well as any employer contributions you receive to those accounts, assuming you have access to a 401(k) or another employer-sponsored plan.

How Much to Save for Retirement by Age

Fidelity also recommends the following benchmarks—based on a multiple of your annual earnings—for how much you should have saved for retirement by the time you reach the following ages.

Target Retirement Savings by Age
AgeAnnual Salary
301x annual salary
403x annual salary
506x annual salary
608x annual salary
6710x annual salary

An Alternative Formula

Another, more heuristic formula holds that you should save 25% of your gross salary each year, starting in your 20s. The 25% savings figure may sound daunting. But don't forget that it includes not only 401(k) holdings and matching contributions from your employer, but also other types of retirement savings.

If you follow this formula, it should allow you to accumulate your full annual salary by age 30. Continuing at the same average savings rate should yield the following:

  • Age 35—two times annual salary
  • Age 40—three times annual salary
  • Age 45—four times annual salary
  • Age 50—five times annual salary
  • Age 55—six times annual salary
  • Age 60—seven times annual salary
  • Age 65—eight times annual salary

Whether or not you try to follow the 15% or the 25% savings guideline, chances are your actual ability to save will be affected by life events such as the job loss many experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Retirement Savings Confidence by Age

Anxious that you aren't saving enough for retirement? You're not alone. As of Sept. 30, 2023, there were roughly 70 million active 401(k) participants, in addition to former employees and retired adults. And while they may be active participants, people’s feelings toward retirement vary widely based on age.

According the the Northwestern Mutual Planning & Progress Study 2023, the majority of adults (52%) believe they will be prepared for retirement, but many are worried that they won't be. Among those surveyed, 55% of Generation X, 48% of Boomers, 46% of Millennials, and 35% of Generation Z have those fears.

These concerns also affect the age when members of the different generations expect to retire. The same study found that Boomers plan to work until age 71 while Gen Z expects to retire more than a decade earlier at 60. Millennials and Gen Xers plan to work to age 63 and 65, respectively.

Those numbers are a bit less rosy than the 2022 Investopedia Financial Literacy Study, which found that Boomers expect to work until age 68; Gen Xers, 64; Millennials, 61; and Gen Z, the most optimistic about retiring early, said they believe they will retire by age 57—three years younger than Gen Z respondents in the 2023 Northwestern Mutual study.

In Investopedia’s study, not all adults are particularly confident in their understanding of retirement planning. Behind digital currencies and investing, retirement was the third least-understood concept. And retirement was the top personal finance concern for about one-sixth of all those surveyed.

In the early and middle years of your career, you have time to recover from any losses in your retirement accounts. That's a good time to take some of the risks that allow you to earn more with your investments.

How to Calculate Retirement Savings

In addition to using the above methods to determine what you should have saved and by what age, online calculators can be a useful tool to help you reach your retirement savings goals. For example, they can help you understand how changing savings and withdrawal rates can impact your retirement nest egg.

Although there are many online retirement savings calculators to choose from, some are much better than others. TheT. Rowe Price Retirement Income Calculator and MaxiFi ESPlanner are two worth trying.

How Much Does a Couple Need to Retire?

Much like an individual, how much a couple needs to save to retire comfortably will depend on their current annual income and the lifestyle they want to have when they retire. Many experts maintain that retirement income should be about 80% of a couple’s final pre-retirement annual earnings. Fidelity Investments recommends that you should save 10 times your annual income by age 67.

What Is the 4% Rule?

The 4% rule is a guideline used to determine how much a retiree can withdraw annually from a retirement account. It is intended to make retirement savings last for 30 years.

How Much Should I Save for Retirement Each Year?

One rule of thumb is to save 15% of your annual earnings. In a perfect world, savings would begin in your 20s and last throughout your working years.

The Bottom Line

Sometimes you'll be able to save more for retirement—and sometimes less.What’s important is to get as close to your savings goal as possible and check your progress at each benchmark to make sure you're staying on track.

A 401(k) might be a good place to start—if you have access to one. If not, consider an individual retirement account (IRA). Because the importance of saving for retirement is so great, we've made lists of brokers for Roth IRAs and IRAs so you can find the best places to create these retirement accounts.

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How Much Do I Need to Save to Retire? (2024)


How Much Do I Need to Save to Retire? ›

Fidelity's guideline: Aim to save at least 1x your salary by 30, 3x by 40, 6x by 50, 8x by 60, and 10x by 67. Factors that will impact your personal savings goal include the age you plan to retire and the lifestyle you hope to have in retirement. If you're behind, don't fret. There are ways to catch up.

What is a realistic amount to save for retirement? ›

By age 35, aim to save one to one-and-a-half times your current salary for retirement. By age 50, that goal is three-and-a-half to six times your salary. By age 60, your retirement savings goal may be six to 11-times your salary.

How much do you need to save to retire comfortably? ›

At ages 51 to 55, you should have saved 6.0 times your current salary. At ages 56 to 60, you should have saved 7.6 times your current salary. At ages 61 to 64, you should have saved 9.2 times your current salary.

Can I retire at 60 with 500k? ›

The short answer is yes, $500,000 is enough for many retirees. The question is how that will work out for you. With an income source like Social Security, modes spending, and a bit of good luck, this is feasible. And when two people in your household get Social Security or pension income, it's even easier.

How much should you have saved for retirement by age? ›

Average Retirement Savings

Here's the full guideline from Fidelity: By age 30: Save 1x your income. By age 35: Save 2x your income. By age 40: Save 3x your income.

How many people have $1,000,000 in retirement savings? ›

However, not a huge percentage of retirees end up having that much money. In fact, statistically, around 10% of retirees have $1 million or more in savings. The majority of retirees, however, have far less saved.

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How much do most people retire with? ›

But most people are far from reaching that objective, with the study finding that the average amount held in a retirement account today is just $88,400. That means that the typical worker has a $1.37 million gap between their actual savings and their retirement aspirations.

Is $2,000 a month enough to retire on? ›

Retiring on a fixed income can seem daunting, but with some planning and commitment to a frugal lifestyle, it's possible to retire comfortably on $2,000 a month. This takes discipline but ultimately will allow you to have more freedom and happiness in your golden years without money worries.

What is the $1000 a month rule for retirement? ›

The $1,000-a-month retirement rule says that you should save $240,000 for every $1,000 of monthly income you'll need in retirement. So, if you anticipate a $4,000 monthly budget when you retire, you should save $960,000 ($240,000 * 4).

Can I retire at 62 with $400,000 in 401k? ›

If you have $400,000 in the bank you can retire early at age 62, but it will be tight. The good news is that if you can keep working for just five more years, you are on track for a potentially quite comfortable retirement by full retirement age.

Is $1500 a month enough to retire on? ›

While $1,500 might not be enough for non-housing retirement expenses for many people, it doesn't mean it's impossible to stick to this or other amounts, such as if you're already retired and don't have the ability to increase your budget.

Can I retire at 55 with no money? ›

Retiring with little to no money saved is not impossible, but it can present some challenges to your financial plan. Depending on where you're starting from, you may need to delay Social Security benefits, work longer, or drastically reduce expenses to retire with no money saved.

What is the ideal amount of money to retire? ›

By age 40, you should have accumulated three times your current income for retirement. By retirement age, it should be 10 to 12 times your income at that time to be reasonably confident that you'll have enough funds. Seamless transition — roughly 80% of your pre-retirement income.

Do I have enough money saved for retirement? ›

The first step is to get an estimate of how much you will need to retire securely. One rule of thumb is that you'll need 70% of your annual pre-retirement income to live comfortably. That might be enough if you've paid off your mortgage and you're in excellent health when you retire.

Can I retire at 50 with 300k? ›

Let's walk through the scenario. With $300,000 planned for your use as a retiree, a retirement age of 50, and an anticipated life expectancy of 85 years, you need that money to last you 35 years. This should mean that your yearly income is around $8,571, and your monthly payment is around $714.

Can you retire $1.5 million comfortably? ›

A $1.5 million nest egg can be more than enough to retire on, but it depends entirely on how much money you plan on spending. The more income you expect to replace, the more you will need to draw down from your retirement account and the larger it will have to be.

Is $10,000 a month enough to retire? ›

In a world in which the average monthly Social Security benefit is just over $1,792, it may seem like a pipe dream to live off $10,000 per month in retirement. But the truth is that with some preparation, dedication and resolve, many Americans can reach this impressive level of retirement income.

At what age can you retire with $1 million dollars? ›

If you can set aside a solid amount of cash, you can avoid this risk by tapping into your savings when assets are down and replenishing that fund when they bounce back. Yes, it is possible to retire with $1 million at the age of 65.


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