General Hospital Daily Recaps (Monday, June 3, 2024) (2024)

At Sonny's penthouse, Ava recorded notes on her cell phone for a speech at the gallery, but she stopped when she heard a knock at the door. It was Natalia. Ava explained that Sonny wasn't home, but she invited Natalia in to wait. Natalia held up a bag as she explained that she had picked up a bottle of Sonny's favorite brand of single-malt scotch as a thank you for inviting her to the Quartermaine wedding. Ava smiled politely, but it didn't quite reach her eyes.

After Ava and Natalia sat down, Ava asked about the reception. Natalia admitted that she'd lost track of Sonny and left before the reception had ended. When the conversation turned to Blaze and Kristina, Ava shared that Kristina had been a bit of a problem child over the years and had made some bad decisions. However, Ava assured Natalia that Blaze was not one of them. Natalia decided -- since they were sharing -- to admit that Blaze and Kristina's relationship was a little too unconventional for her liking.

"In what way?" Ava asked. "Well, they're not really a normal couple, are they?" Natalia said. Natalia explained that Kristina was pregnant with Kristina's sister's baby and holding hands with Blaze out in public. Natalia feared that someone might snap a picture of Blaze and Kristina together and sell it to a tabloid just as Blaze's career was taking off. "It's gonna be such a scandal," Natalia complained. Ava reminded Natalia that it was 2024, and most people were comfortable with both of those things.

Ava warned Natalia that Sonny was completely supportive of Kristina in every way, including Kristina's sexual identity. "Yeah, it seems so. I just can't say that I am of the same mind," Natalia replied. Surprised, Ava admitted that it sounded as if Natalia didn't approve of Blaze's relationship with Kristina. "You could say that," Natalia said. Natalia assured Ava that she was not a prude, but Natalia felt that gay people -- "or whatever alphabet soup they're calling themselves these days" -- were "flighty." According to Natalia, gay people weren't serious about life.

Ava disagreed, but Natalia pointed to Ava's earlier remarks about Kristina's troubled past. Ava was quick to clarify that she could easily say the same thing about straight people. She was adamant that Kristina had gotten herself together and worked hard, and she was serious about her baby. Natalia admitted that it had been an interesting choice of word because the baby wasn't really Kristina's. "Is it?" she asked. Natalia reminded Ava that Kristina would eventually hand the baby over to Molly.

Natalia believed that Kristina and Blaze thought having a baby was fun as long as they didn't have to do all the hard work. Ava thought Natalia had an unfortunate way of looking at the beautiful thing Kristina was doing for her sister. Unapologetic, Natalia claimed that she tried to stay open minded. "Just -- if my way of thinking is considered old-fashioned, then so be it," she added.

After Ava walked Natalia to the door, she suggested they get together again, but Natalia was noncommittal. Ava closed the door, and she returned to work on her speech, only to discover that her phone had been recording. Ava rewound the recording and smiled when she heard Natalia's inflammatory words about gay people.

In Blaze's hotel suite, Kristina was impressed with the meal of Kristina's favorite foods spread out on a small table. Kristina sat down and asked what the occasion was. "Do I need an occasion to spoil you?" Blaze asked as she sat across from Kristina. Blaze conceded that she had wanted Kristina to know that Kristina was not alone. "I'm with you," Blaze assured her. Touched, Kristina admitted that it had been difficult facing the reality of who her father was, but talking to Dante had helped because he had struggled with some of the same issues.

However, it was better with Blaze because Kristina felt safe with her. Kristina explained that she had previously thought her father was the only person who understood her -- until she'd met Blaze. Things quickly took a turn when Kristina mentioned being relieved that Molly didn't know about the fight between Sonny and Dex. Blaze was forced to confess that she had accidently let things slip to Molly. Kristina was furious because she was certain that it would only be a matter of time before Molly told T.J., and both Molly and T.J. put new restrictions on Kristina.

Concerned about Kristina's agitated state, Blaze urged Kristina not to let herself "spin out" because both Molly and T.J. were rational people. "You don't know them like I do," Kristina argued. Kristina accused Blaze of betraying her trust and stormed out.

In the hotel's lobby, Carly asked what Sonny planned to do if Jason didn't sell his half of the coffee business to Sonny. Sonny was evasive. "It's just business," he said. Carly disagreed because Sonny had made it personal when he had accused Jason of being his enemy. "Well, that's who he is now," Sonny said. He added that what happened next was on Jason.

"What the hell does that mean?" Carly demanded. Sonny reminded her that he didn't have to explain himself to her after all her "lies and broken promises." Carly denied lying to Sonny about Jason, and she suspected that Sonny hadn't quite made up his mind about Jason because -- deep down -- Sonny still trusted Jason. "Is that what you think?" Sonny asked. Carly suspected Sonny had turned to her for the "reality check" that he knew she would give him.

Carly reminded Sonny that he'd never had a friend like Jason, and he never would because "even now," Jason had Sonny's back, and she was certain that Sonny knew it. Carly suggested Sonny was struggling with everything because he couldn't erase Jason from his life. "And if we're both being honest, you don't want to," Carly said. Sonny informed Carly that he was not there to bare his soul to her; he intended to talk to Blaze. Carly warned Sonny not to ask Blaze to plead his case to Kristina because it would backfire and push Kristina further away.

Carly advised Sonny to let Kristina reach out to him when she was ready. "What if she doesn't?" he asked. Carly acknowledged that it might take longer than he wanted, but Kristina loved her father fiercely. "I know what's best for my daughter," Sonny stubbornly argued. He marched over to the elevator, but he stopped to pull out his cell phone when it rang. It was Brick with news about the shooting at the warehouse.

A short time later, Carly spotted Kristina in the lobby. She called out to Kristina several times before Kristina heard. Kristina apologized and explained that she'd been in her own head. Carly smiled and blamed it on "baby brain." When Carly asked if Kristina was okay, Kristina stroked her belly as she admitted that she took comfort whenever she felt the baby move because it meant that it was safe and healthy. "It's crazy how much I care about this little life growing inside of me, considering it's not mine," Kristina said.

Carly thought that what Kristina was doing for Molly was amazing. "It's selfless," Carly said. Carly acknowledged that the baby would be Kristina's niece or nephew one day, but it would always be a part of her. Kristina smiled and thanked Carly for saying that. "Just like you're always going to be a part of your father," Carly added. Kristina realized that Carly knew about her troubles with Sonny.

Carly confirmed that Jason had filled her in about everything. Kristina conceded that Josslyn had been right, but Carly explained that Josslyn had her own issues with Sonny. Kristina admitted that it didn't matter because she would never get the image of Sonny -- violent and out of control -- out of her mind. Carly empathized.

Kristina was ashamed that she hadn't seen the truth about Sonny sooner, but Carly reminded Kristina that Kristina loved her father and had wanted to see the best in him. Kristina knew that Carly had loved Sonny, too. Carly explained that she had known going in that she had married a complicated man. Carly admitted there had been many highs and lows, but Sonny had never been cruel and had always had a reason for the things he'd done. According to Carly, Sonny had never hurt someone simply because he could.

Kristina asked if Sonny was still that man, but Carly didn't know because she and Sonny were no longer close. However, Carly knew that Kristina and Sonny had always shared a special bond and that Sonny would give up his life for Kristina. Carly explained that Kristina had to decide how much that mattered and where it fit into the relationship that Kristina had with Sonny. "What if it doesn't fit at all?" Kristina tearfully asked. Carly gently stroked Kristina's hand and asked if Kristina could live without her father.

At the hospital, Deanna guided a slow-moving Brennan to his hospital bed as a guard followed. Deanna was hopeful that Brennan might be able to make it outside for fresh air the following day. After the guard handcuffed Brennan to the bed, the guard was called away to help with a disturbance. Deanna assured the guard that she and Brennan would be fine. As soon as Deanna left and closed the door, Brennan opened his fist to reveal he'd been hiding a paper clip.

Brennan made short work of unlocking the handcuffs. Afterwards, he found a pair of hospital scrubs hidden in a drawer, which he changed into before slipping out of his room and making his way to the stairwell where Valentin was waiting for him. "Son of a bitch. Took you long enough to make this happen," Brennan said as he leaned against the railing to catch his breath. Valentin gave Brennan credit because not everyone would stab themselves in the stomach, but he reminded Brennan that they had agreed not to see each other again. "So, this better be important," Valentin said.

Brennan explained that he had important information for Valentin. Valentin was surprised when Brennan revealed that John Cates and the FBI were investigating Pikeman. Brennan was certain that the FBI had been responsible for "Alan Jacobs, a.k.a. Jason Morgan," infiltrating their organization. Valentin conceded that it made sense, but he reminded Brennan that Jason didn't know Valentin was the head of Pikeman. Brennan advised Valentin not to draw attention to himself by going after Jason.

Valentin told Brennan to relax, but Brennan asked if Valentin had forgotten how Valentin had gotten where he was -- and the people who had helped. Brennan pointed out that it had taken a long time for Valentin to get to the top, but he warned Valentin that it would take only seconds to fall. Brennan looked pointedly at the bottom of the staircase, prompting Valentin to ask if they were resorting to threats. Valentin advised Brennan to focus on healing because Valentin would take care of everything.

Brennan remained uneasy because they had no idea what Jason had told Cates about their overseas operation. Valentin was confident that Jason knew nothing, but Brennan refused to risk everything on speculation. He reminded Valentin that Jason had been smart enough to infiltrate Pikeman without detection. Valentin assured Brennan that Sonny would remove Jason from the "chessboard" before Jason figured anything out. Valentin promised to let Brennan know when Jason was no longer a threat, but Brennan wanted to know how much longer he had to wait for Valentin to get the charges against Brennan dropped.

Brennan was annoyed that Valentin had been putting him off, but Valentin assured Brennan that he just needed a little more time. Valentin reminded Brennan that they couldn't afford to shine a light on the WSB-Pikeman connection, but he promised that he had everything under control.

Later, the guard returned to his station. When he noticed the door to Brennan's room was ajar, he entered. Brennan was tucked into bed with his wrist handcuffed to the bed. "Miss me?" Brennan asked with a smile. The guard closed the door without comment.

At the Corinthos Coffee warehouse, shots rang out as two assassins took aim at Jason. Jason returned fire and killed one of the men, but the other shooter managed to escape. As Jason went to check on the fallen man, Anna appeared in the doorway with her gun drawn. Jason confirmed that the shooter was dead, but he questioned the timing of Anna's appearance. She explained that she'd been on her way to talk to Jason about Sonny's altercation with Dex when she'd heard the shots being fired. She started to call the shooting in but stopped when she heard approaching sirens.

A short time later, Jason and Anna entered the interrogation room. Anna turned on a recorder to get Jason's official statement, but Jason became tightlipped when she asked him if anyone had threatened him. Anna started to press him, but Diane marched in and demanded to have a word with her client. After Anna picked up her recorder and left, Diane asked who had tried to kill Jason. Jason told Diane about the two shooters, but he implored her to find Sonny because the police would want to question Sonny.

"Sonny just ordered a hit on you, and you're worried about me warning him?" Diane asked. Jason reminded her that Sonny was her client. Just then, Diane's phone went off. Jason was unaware that it was Sonny, but he told her to answer the call. Diane reluctantly complied. Sonny quickly asked Diane to meet him at the warehouse because there had been a shooting. When Jason realized that she was talking to Sonny, he insisted that Diane go to him.

Diane arrived at the warehouse and found Sonny standing in the middle of a busy crime scene and barking at Detective Bennet. Bennet informed Diane that Sonny was a person of interest and would be going to the police station. Diane asked for a moment alone with Sonny, so Bennet agreed.

When Sonny and Diane entered the office, Diane cut to the chase and asked if Sonny had been responsible for the shooting. Sonny denied any involvement, and he suggested that she talk to Jason. Diane revealed that Jason had been the target, and he'd killed one of the shooters. She advised Sonny to be honest with her before the police took him into custody, but Sonny insisted that he had no idea what the men had been after. Sonny reminded her that their product -- coffee -- wasn't desirable to thieves, and he opened a small metal box to show that there wasn't much cash on hand.

Diane suggested the men had had another target in mind. Sonny pointed out that the shooters hadn't succeed. "And Jason made them pay for breaking in. So, why is it my problem?" Sonny asked.

In the interrogation room, Anna told Jason that a check of the dead man's identification revealed a criminal record and connections to a low-level organization with ties to the "big guys downstate." She handed Jason her computer tablet with the shooter's mugshot and asked if he recognized the man. Jason reminded Anna that he'd been gone a long time, which she took as confirmation that Jason knew exactly who the shooter was. Anna told Jason that she knew the shooter's organization had done business with Sonny, but Jason remained silent. "Why don't you just say it? It was Sonny who tried to have you killed," Anna accused.

Jason assured Anna that he had told her everything, but she asked if he had a death wish, because they both knew that Sonny had threatened to kill Jason. She asked how many bullets Jason intended to take for Sonny, and she implored him to stop protecting Sonny because Sonny had sent men to kill Jason. "When does it end, and how much blood will be shed before it does?" Anna asked. She knew Jason had deep loyalty to Sonny, but she warned Jason that the man that Jason knew might no longer exist.

Before Jason could reply, a police officer entered and handed Anna a bag with evidence that had been recovered. After the police officer left, Jason watched as Anna pulled on a pair of gloves and retrieved a burner phone out of a plastic bag. She noticed that there was only one number on the call log, so she called it. "Is it done?" Valentin asked on the other end. Anna was stunned as she heard Valentin say, "Just tell me if it's been done."

At the hospital, Valentin frowned as he was met with silence. Seeming to sense trouble, he quickly ended the call.

General Hospital Daily Recaps (Monday, June 3, 2024) (2024)


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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.