A History of Impact Investing (2024)

Impact investing is a major topic on investors’ radar screens, boasting huge growth, and widespread acceptance among those seeking to align their portfolios with their values. But impact investing has always been more than a fad.

Key Takeaways

  • Socially responsible investing’s origins in the United States began in the 18th century with Methodism, a denomination of Protestant Christianity that eschewed the slave trade, smuggling, and conspicuous consumption, and resisted investments in companies manufacturing liquor or tobacco products or promoting gambling.
  • Socially responsible investing ramped up in the 1960s, when Vietnam War protesters demanded that university endowment funds no longer invest in defense contractors.
  • The combined efforts of protests and responsible investing during the Vietnam War and the apartheid regime in South Africa led to institutional and legislative change.
  • Over time, research has backed up this strategy: Companies that care about the environment, promote equality among employees, and enforce proper financial guidelines tend to accrue added benefits to investors.

History of Impact Investing

A History of Impact Investing (1)

Impact investing is also referred to as socially responsible investing (SRI). The practice has a rich history. In biblical times, ethical investing was mandated by Jewish law.

Tzedek (which means justice and equality) comprises rules to correct the imbalances that humans cause. Tzedek is referred to in the first five books of the Bible—collectively called the Pentateuch—thought to have been written by Moses from 1,500 to 1,300 B.C. According to Jewish tradition, these rules apply to all aspects of life, including the government and the economy. Ownership carries rights and responsibilities, one of which is to prevent immediate and potential harm.

Several hundred years later, the Qur’an, thought to have been written between 609 and 632 A.D., established guidelines, based on the religious teachings of Islam, which have evolved to what are now sharia-compliant standards. One of the more common of these standards is called Riba.

The overarching goal of Riba is to prevent exploitation. Riba bans usury, and this rule extends to forbidding all interest payments. Rooted in a philosophy that governs the relationship between risk and profit, sharia law delineates the responsibilities of institutions and individuals. In addition to financial dictates, it also rules out investments in alcohol, pork, gambling, armaments, and gold and silver (other than spot cash, or money that is paid for something immediately).

Origin of Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) in the United States

Socially responsible investing’s origins in the United States began in the 18th century. Methodism—a group of historically related denominations of Protestant Christianity—eschewed the slave trade, smuggling, and conspicuous consumption, and resisted investments in companies manufacturing liquor or tobacco products or promoting gambling.

The Methodists were followed in 1898 by the Quakers, another Protestant denomination. The Quakers forbid investments in slavery and war. Eventually, in 1928, a group in Boston founded the first publicly offered fund, the Pioneer Fund, which had similar restrictions. These early investing strategies applied by these various groups were intended to eliminate so-called “sin” industries. Today, sinstocksectorsusually include alcohol, tobacco, gambling, sex-relatedindustries, and weapons manufacturers.

Socially responsible investing ramped up in the 1960s, when Vietnam War protesters demanded that university endowment funds no longer invest in defense contractors. Eventually, the long-standing principles of socially responsible investing came to represent a consistent investment philosophy allied with investors’ concerns. These ranged from avoiding the slave trade, war, apartheid, and supporting fair trade, to issues more common today concerning the ethical impact of environment, social, and corporate governance (ESG).

Pressure from Investors Can Lead to Change

In the process, several success stories emerged. In 1977, Congress passed the Community Reinvestment Act, a law that forbade discriminatory lending practices in low-income neighborhoods. Repercussions from disasters like Chernobyl in the 1980s spawned anxiety over the environment and climate change, which led to the launch of the U.S. Sustainable Investment Forum (US SIF) in 1984.

Also in the 1980s, American corporate began divesting themselves from South Africa due to apartheid. Literally meaning “apartness” in Afrikaans, apartheid was meant not only to separate the country’s non-White majority from the White minority but also to reduce Black South Africans’ political power.The official South African legislation dates to the passage of the 1913 Natives Land Act. That law relocated en masse Black Africans to “poor homelands and to poorly planned and serviced townships.”

In 1985, students at Columbia University in New York led a three-week demonstration, demanding that the university stop investing in companies doing business with South Africa. They won. Thanks to the combined efforts of the students and new “ethical criteria” for investments, by 1993, the university was able to redirect $625 billion, an increase of $40 billion from seven years earlier.

And the results were impactful. In 1990, then-South African President F.W. de Klerk released Nelson Mandela from prison, and together, they developed a new constitution for South Africa. Both men were honored with the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. Apartheid officially ended two years earlier, in 1991, with the Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Act.

Institutional Support for Impact Investing

In 2006, the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (U.N. PRI) was released with 63 signatories and $6.5 trillion in assets. By 2021, the U.N. PRI had over 3,800 signatories and over $121 trillion in assets.

The Global Sustainable Investment Alliance (GSIA), a consortium of international sustainable investment organizations, issued its inaugural issue of the Global Sustainable Investment Review in 2012.

Adding even more gravitas to the practice of SRI, in 2013, then-British Prime Minister David Cameron gave a well-received speech on impact investing.

A History of Impact Investing (2)

The Bottom Line

Grounded in a history dating back 3,500 years, and driven initially by the idea of doing well by doing good, the scope of impact investing has broadened to encompass global change and generate competitive returns.

In the beginning, socially responsible investing (SRI) was primarily focused on eliminating investments in products that conflicted with personal belief systems or social, moral, or ethical values (for example, weapons, alcohol, tobacco, gambling).

The practice has now evolved into an investing strategy that proactively makes investments in companies that are creating a positive impact. For example, they may focus on companies that demonstrate good stewardship of the environment, maintain responsible relationships with customers, employees, suppliers, and communities, and exhibit conscientious leadership regarding executive pay, internal controls, and shareholder rights. And over time, research has backed up this strategy. Companies that care about the environment, promote equality among employees, and enforce proper financial guidelines tend to accrue added benefits to investors.

James Lumbergis the co-founder and executive vice president of Envestnet.

The information, analysis, and opinions expressed herein are for general and educational purposes only. Nothing contained in this piece is intended to constitute legal, tax, accounting, securities, or investment advice, nor an opinion regarding the appropriateness of any investment, nor a solicitation of any type. All opinions and views constitute our judgments as of the date of writing and are subject to change anytime without notice.

A History of Impact Investing (2024)


What questions are asked at the impact investing interview? ›

Impact investing interview sample questions

How do you demonstrate a commitment to social and environmental change in your own life? Tell me about a time you overcame a significant challenge on the job. When you are stuck on a project, what is your go-to response? Are you comfortable learning new skills?

What is impact investing summary? ›

Impact investing is a style of investing where a clear and positive outcome (social, environmental, etc.) is prioritized alongside financial return expectations. Impact investing is not the same thing as ESG investing, though there are some common threads.

How effective is impact investing? ›

Impact investing probably isn't totally useless — it does seem to slightly improve access to capital for social good companies. So if you know you'll never donate any money to charity anyway, and you're okay earning worse returns in order to support promising companies, then it might be better than nothing.

How do you answer an impact question? ›

Use this structure to answer the question:
  1. Give a fact and a story: this means providing context and information, before explaining your own experiences. ...
  2. Explain what you did: this means demonstrating personal responsibility and not talking about what other people did.

What are 5 questions you should ask when investing? ›

5 questions to ask before you invest
  • Am I comfortable with the level of risk? Can I afford to lose my money? ...
  • Do I understand the investment and could I get my money out easily? ...
  • Are my investments regulated? ...
  • Am I protected if the investment provider or my adviser goes out of business? ...
  • Should I get financial advice?

What are the core characteristics of impact investing? ›

Characteristics of impact investing

These four characteristics are (1) Intentionality, (2) Evidence and Impact data in Investment Design, (3) Manage Impact Performance, and (4) Contribute to the growth of the industry.

What is impact investing best examples? ›

An impact-investing strategy is an investment strategy that targets companies or industries that produce social or environmental benefits. For example, some impact investors seek to support renewable energy, electric cars, microfinance, sustainable agriculture, or other causes that they believe to be worthwhile.

How do you evaluate impact investing? ›

The method consists of six steps.
  1. Assess the Relevance and Scale. ...
  2. Identify Target Social or Environmental Outcomes. ...
  3. Estimate the Economic Value of Those Outcomes to Society. ...
  4. Adjust for Risks. ...
  5. Estimate Terminal Value. ...
  6. Calculate Social Return on Every Dollar Spent.

What are the stages of impact investing? ›

Stage one is for investors who want to behave responsibly, stage two is for investors who want to generate long-term returns from sustainable opportunities and stage three is for investors who want to make a larger scale impact whilst generating a return - for example, increasing access to affordable housing.

What is impact investment for dummies? ›

Unlike traditional investing, where the goal is purely financial gain, impact investing seeks to make a difference. Impact investing firms support causes like renewable energy, healthcare, education, and economic development.

What is the intention of impact investing? ›

Impact investing is marked by an intentional desire to contribute to measurable social or environmental benefit. Impact investors aim to solve problems and address opportunities. This is at the heart of what differentiates impact investing from other investment approaches which may incorporate impact considerations.

What is the impact investing theory? ›

Impact investing, of course, is investing in businesses and assets based on the expectation of not just earning financial returns, but also creating positive change in society.

Why do we need impact investing? ›

Impact investing seeks to add value to society. For the impact investor, value creation for society and financial return are equally important.

What are the problems with impact investing? ›

There are a number of risks and challenges associated with impact investing. One of the key risks is that impact investments may not generate the intended social or environmental impact. Another risk is that financial returns may be lower than anticipated. There are a number of different types of impact investments.

What skills do I need for impact investing? ›

Social finance and impact investing professionals need to have a solid grasp of financial analysis and management, such as accounting, budgeting, valuation, risk assessment, and portfolio management.

What are the biggest challenges in impact investing? ›

The different types of impact investments

There are a number of risks and challenges associated with impact investing. One of the key risks is that impact investments may not generate the intended social or environmental impact. Another risk is that financial returns may be lower than anticipated.

How do you prepare for an investor interview? ›

As with an interview for any job, make sure you do plenty of research about the company before you go. See what they have done well in the last few years, along with focusing on the parts that they could improve on. Make sure you're aware of what their portfolio consists of and what kind of investments they focus on.

How do you plan to make an impact interview question? ›

Address the impact question by explaining how you evaluate and prioritize work tasks. You might say, "I am very good with time and project management and can get up to speed very quickly so you don't have gaps or hiccups in your performance."


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