5 Mistakes to Avoid When Paying Off Your Mortgage Early (2024)

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Paying Off Your Mortgage Early (1)

If you can afford to pay off your mortgage ahead of schedule, you’ll save some money on your loan’s interest. In fact, getting rid of your home loan just one or two years early could potentially save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. But if you’re planning to take that approach, you’ll need to consider if there’s a prepayment penalty, among other possible issues.Below are five mistakes that you should avoid when paying your mortgage off early.A financial advisor can help you figure out your mortgage needs and goals.

Key Takeaways

  • Paying off a mortgage early doesn’t have to be in one fell swoop. You can do it slowly over time by following certain payment strategies.
  • Making extra payments specifically towards your loan’s principal is optimal.
  • Thinking through your entire financial situation before making a decision is imperative.

How to Pay Off Your Mortgage Early

Paying off your mortgage sounds like a dream, being able to own your home outright without making a payment to a financial service provider every month. Before digging into the biggest mistakes people make when paying off their mortgage early, it’s important to understand how you can pay it off early because there is more than one way.

The simplest method is just to make extra payments outside of your normal monthly payments. Provided this route doesn’t result in extra fees from your lender, you can send 13 checks each year instead of 12 (or the online equivalent of this). You can also increase your monthly payment. By paying more each month, you’ll pay off the entirety of the loan earlier than the scheduled time. Let’s dive into each method of paying off your mortgage early in a little bit more detail.

  • Make One Extra Payment Per Year: One way of paying off your mortgage earlier than the term of your mortgage is to make 13 payments per year instead of 12. You can add in the extra payment whenever you want throughout the year and continue to make those regular monthly payments as well. This works well for individuals that get a large sum of money at some point in the year like a bonus at work or a large tax refund.
  • Make Mortgage Payments Biweekly Instead of Monthly: A great option for some that live on much less than they make is to make biweekly mortgage payments instead of monthly. This will get your mortgage paid off in half the time of the term of your loan. This isn’t a good option for everyone but it could be a good way to speed up that loan and pay it off early.
  • Refinance Your Mortgage Into a Shorter Loan Term:Another option is to refinance your mortgage into a shorter loan term. For example, if you have a 30-year fixed with 22 years left on the loan then you could refinance into a 15-year loan and pay off the balance seven years earlier than you would have. This will also typically lower your rate but increase your monthly payments. You’ll pay less for the home over the term of the mortgage than you would have with the lower 30-year rate.
  • Pay Off Your Balance In Cash:If you’re able to save enough money to pay off the balance of your loan in its entirety, then this is an option. This is the option that most people think about when they want to pay off their mortgage early, even though there are plenty of other ways to handle it.

It should be noted that anytime you’re paying more than what is required for your next monthly payment you will need to communicate with your lender that the amount should go towards the principal of your loan. If you don’t do this then the mortgage company will likely apply your extra payment towards your next month and it will just look like you don’t owe your next payment, or not as much.

When to Pay Off Your Mortgage Early

It may seem like a good idea to pay off your mortgage early as soon as you have the right amount of money to do so, but there is more to consider. If you have a strong financial reason to pay off your mortgage earlier than expected then it makes a lot of sense. For example, if you want to retire earlier than expected then you don’t want a mortgage in your retirement years.

However, paying off your mortgage early, no matter how you choose to do it, ties up a significant amount of liquidity that you could use to invest and build more wealth, or save for unexpected hard times. You also won’t be eligible for some tax deductions any longer that you’re able to take when you are actively paying on your mortgage.

Ultimately, the right time to pay off your mortgage early really comes down to your personal financial situation. It needs to be a time that won’t hurt you financially and that benefits you over the long haul. We recommend working with your financial advisor to determine when that time is for your situation.

Mistakes to Avoid When Paying Off Your Mortgage Early

As previously mentioned, it’s not always the right time to pay off your mortgage early. Likewise, you may not always do it the right way. There are ways you can protect yourself, though, so that you set up your finances for success and avoid common mistakes that people often don’t think about. Consider the following major mistakes others may make when paying off their mortgage early so that you don’t follow suit.

1. Not Considering All of Your Options

It can be very tempting if you come into some extra money to put that toward paying your mortgage off ahead of time. However, getting out of debt a little bit earlier may not be the most remunerative choice to make. To illustrate this, let’s look at an example.

Let’s say you’re considering making a one-time payment of $20,000 toward your mortgage principal. Your original loan amount was $200,000, you’re 20 years into a 30-year term, and your interest rate is 4%. Paying down $20,000 of the principal in one go could save you roughly $8,300 in interest and allow you to pay it off completely 2.5 years sooner.

That sounds great but consider an alternative. If you invested that money in an index fund that represents the , which averages a rate of return of 9.8%, you could earn $30,900 in interest over those same 10 years. Even a more conservative projection of your rate of return, say 4%, would net you $12,500 in interest.

Everyone’s financial situation is unique, and the notion of being out of debt may be so important to you that it’s worth a less-than-optimal use of your money. The important thing is to consider all of your options before concluding that paying off your mortgage earlier is the best path for you.

2. Not Putting Extra Payments Toward the Loan Principal

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Paying Off Your Mortgage Early (2)

Throwing in an extra $500 or $1,000 every month won’t necessarily help you pay off your mortgage more quickly. Unless you specify that the additional money you’re paying is meant to be applied to your principal balance, the lender may use it to pay down interest for the next scheduled payment.

If you’re writing separate checks for extra principal payments, you can make a note of that on the memo line. If you pay your mortgage bill online, you might want to find out whether the lender will let you include a note specifying how additional payments should be used.

3. Not Asking If There’s a Prepayment Penalty

Mortgage lenders are in business to make money and one of the ways they do that is by charging you interest on your loan. When you prepay your mortgage, you’re essentially costing the lender money. That’s why some lenders try to make up for lost profits by charging a prepayment penalty.

Prepayment penalties can beequal to apercentage of a mortgage loan amount or the equivalent of a certain number of monthly interest payments.If you’re paying off your home loan well in advance, those fees can add up quickly. For example, a 3%prepayment penalty on a $250,000 mortgage would cost you $7,500.

In the process of trying to save money by paying off your mortgage early, you could actually lose money if you have to pay a hefty penalty.

4. Leaving Yourself Cash-Poor

Throwing every extra penny you’ve got at your mortgage is an aggressive way to get out of debt. It could also backfire. If you don’t have anything set aside for emergencies, for example, you could end up in a tight spot if you get sick and can’t work for a few months. In that case, you may have to use your credit card to cover your bills or try to take out an additional loan.

If you don’t have an emergency fund, your best bet may be to put some of your extra mortgage payments in a rainy day fund. Once you have three to six months’ worth of expenses saved, you may be able to focus on paying down your mortgage debt.

5. Extending Your Loan Term When Refinancing

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Paying Off Your Mortgage Early (3)

Refinancing can save you money in multiple ways, as it allows you to convert to either a shorter or longer loan term, depending on what’s best for you.So if you’re 10 years into a 30-year mortgage term, you could potentially refinance to a 10-year term and shave off 10 years. On the flip side, you could go for another 30-year term to lower your monthly payments.

However, loans with shorter terms tend to have lower interest rates, allowing you to both save on interest and reach full ownership much sooner. In some cases, though, refinancing could cost you more in the long run, especially if you’re planning to extend your loan term. Before you refinance, it’s a good idea to crunch some numbers and figure out whether having a longer mortgage term makes sense.

Don’t forget closing costseither. If your lender agrees to let you roll those costs into your loan, you could end up paying more money. After all, you’ll now be on the hook for interest on a larger loan amount.

Bottom Line

Whether you should pay off your mortgage early ultimately depends on how much money you have to spare, what your alternatives are and other factors that are unique to you. But if it’s something that’s legitimately on your radar, make sure to seriously consider all of your options. Although often known for their expertise in investing and financial planning, many financial advisors are knowledgeable about mortgages and home purchases.

Tips for Buying a Home

  • A financial advisor can guide you through major financial decisions, like the purchase of a home.Finding a financial advisor doesn’t have to be hard. SmartAsset’s free toolmatches you with up to three vetted financial advisors who serve your area, and you can have a free introductory call with your advisor matches to decide which one you feel is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals,get started now.
  • Securing a mortgage can be a stressful and confusing process. For starters, you need to figure out what term is best for you, whether you want a fixed or variable interest rateand where to get the best mortgage rates.

Photo credit:©iStock.com/PickStock, ©iStock.com/wutwhanfoto, ©iStock.com/Andrii Dodonov

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Paying Off Your Mortgage Early (2024)


Why is it not good to pay off your mortgage early? ›

You also may want to avoid paying your loan off early if it carries a prepayment penalty. This is a fee your lender charges if you make all payments your mortgage prematurely. Prepayment penalties are usually equal to a certain percentage you would have paid in interest.

What happens if I pay an extra $1,000 a month on my mortgage? ›

Throwing in an extra $500 or $1,000 every month won't necessarily help you pay off your mortgage more quickly. Unless you specify that the additional money you're paying is meant to be applied to your principal balance, the lender may use it to pay down interest for the next scheduled payment.

What happens if I pay an extra $200 a month on my mortgage? ›

If you pay $200 extra a month towards principal, you can cut your loan term by more than 8 years and reduce the interest paid by more than $44,000. Another way to pay down your mortgage in less time is to make half-monthly payments every 2 weeks, instead of 1 full monthly payment.

What happens if I pay an extra $500 a month on my mortgage? ›

Making extra payments of $500/month could save you $60,798 in interest over the life of the loan. You could own your house 13 years sooner than under your current payment.

What happens if I pay 3 extra mortgage payments a year? ›

Making additional principal payments will shorten the length of your mortgage term and allow you to build equity faster. Because your balance is being paid down faster, you'll have fewer total payments to make, in-turn leading to more savings.

Is it better to be mortgage free? ›

Key Takeaways. Paying off your mortgage early could free up your cash for travel, retirement, or other long-term plans. Being mortgage-free may insulate you from losing your home if you run into financial difficulties.

How to pay off a 150k mortgage in 5 years? ›

With these principles in-mind, here's a look at five strategies that can help you pay down your mortgage in just five years:
  1. Make a substantial down payment. ...
  2. Boost your monthly payments. ...
  3. Pay bi-weekly. ...
  4. Make lump-sum principal payments. ...
  5. Get help paying the mortgage.
Jul 19, 2023

Is $2,000 a month mortgage high? ›

$2,000 Mortgages Are More Common Than You Might Think

After factoring in property taxes, the data reveals that it's still possible to buy a house in a little more than half the country — 28 states — with a monthly budget of $2,000.

How many years do two extra mortgage payments take off? ›

But if you have a relatively recent loan, you're likely looking at tens of thousands of dollars in savings and cutting as much as eight years off the life of your loan. Obviously, not everyone can afford to make two extra mortgage payments a year. You're basically increasing your housing costs by 16%.

Is it worth paying an extra $50 a month on a mortgage? ›

Get it right and overpaying your mortgage can be a huge cash boost, because... You'll be eating into the debt you've built up from buying a home, meaning you can be mortgage free sooner (it's important to make sure any overpayments reduce the debt and shorten the term, rather than reduce your monthly payments).

What is a good amount to pay extra on mortgage? ›

Making an extra mortgage payment each year could reduce the term of your loan significantly. The most budget-friendly way to do this is to pay 1/12 extra each month. For example, by paying $975 each month on a $900 mortgage payment, you'll have paid the equivalent of an extra payment by the end of the year.

At what age should you pay off your mortgage? ›

You should aim to be completely debt-free by retirement, and after age 45 you can begin thinking more seriously about pre-paying your mortgage. The opportunity cost of paying off your mortgage before investing for retirement is very high when you are young.

Is there a downside to paying off a mortgage early? ›

A: If you put extra resources toward a home loan, you'll no longer have access to that cash flow and that's one of the disadvantages of paying off a mortgage.

What if I pay $1000 extra on my mortgage? ›

When you pay extra on your principal balance, you reduce the amount of your loan and save money on interest. Keep in mind that you may pay for other costs in your monthly payment, such as homeowners' insurance, property taxes, and private mortgage insurance (PMI).

What happens if I pay an extra $1200 a month on my mortgage? ›

By paying more than your required monthly mortgage payment, you can put that extra money directly toward the principal amount on your loan. Your interest payment is based on your principal balance, so by applying your extra payment to your principal, you could pay less in interest over time.

Is it worth paying a mortgage off early? ›

Paying your mortgage off early, particularly if you're not in the last few years of your loan term, reduces the overall loan cost. This is because you'll save a significant amount on the interest that makes up part of your payment agreement.

Is it better to pay off mortgage or keep money? ›

It's typically smarter to pay down your mortgage as much as possible at the very beginning of the loan to avoid ultimately paying more in interest. If you're in or near the later years of your mortgage, it may be more valuable to put your money into retirement accounts or other investments.

Does it hurt credit to pay off mortgage early? ›

No, paying off your mortgage early won't have a significant effect on your credit scores.

What happens after you fully pay off your mortgage? ›

Don't Forget About Taxes and Insurance

Your loan servicer held the funds in escrow and made the payments on your behalf. But now that your mortgage is paid off, your lender will close your escrow account and send you the remaining balance. And you'll be responsible for paying your insurance and taxes on your own.


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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.